10 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Getting rid of belly fat is a lot simpler than you might think. With the right attitude and plan, it’s much easier than you think to lose that stubborn fat. Try these tips to lose that stubborn belly fat!

10 Ways to Lose Belly Fat:

1. Eat More Protein

Protein has lots of macro-nutrients that help in the building and repairing of muscles. It is also stated that it plays a role in revving fat-burning metabolism and reducing pangs of hunger. Additionally, protein helps in slowing the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which helps prevent the sudden formation of blood sugar, thus improving fat storage and lowering energy levels.

Another important point on why we need protein is when we age we produce lots of insulin. However, muscle and fat cells do not respond properly, according to an expert Director from the Obesity Clinic at Cornell. Because of the increased production of insulin, it promotes fat storage normally in the belly. High protein can protect us against insulin resistance.

Studies show that obese women with 8 weeks diet plan of roughly 30% protein, 30% fats, and 40% carbohydrates lost more fat, including visceral than women who are stuck on their diet plan of 55% carbohydrates, 16% protein, and 26% fats.

2. Eat More Fiber

In 2011 a study found that people who increased eating soluble fiber by 10 grams daily (equivalent to 2 small apples, 1 cup green peas, and 1/2 cup pinto beans) lessened visceral fat by 3.7% after 5 years.

3. Reduce Sugar Intake

Belly fat can be reduced in an 80% healthy diet. Reduce calories by eating vegetables, protein, whole grains, and healthy snacks. When craving sugar, you can reach for fruits rather than junk foods or light-calorie foods that have high protein. Another trick to lessen sugacravingsng is to sprinkle cinnamon in your regular coffee or oatmeal, thhelpsselp stabilize blood sugar and also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, helping you feel fuller longer.

4. Pound the Polyunsaturates

Swedish study shows that saturated fats pack more visceral fat than polyunsaturated ones. Polyunsaturated fats are lipids that are mostly found in seeds, nuts algae, fish, leafy green, and krill. The study stated that in 7 weeks, subjects ate 750 more calories every day, either in the form of sunflower oil (polyunsaturated) or palm oil (saturated). The former has gained more visceral fat, while the other has gained more muscle mass and less body fat.

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5. Drink Green Tea

Another study also shows that moderate exercisers who drink tehaveas lower abdominal fat, compared to those who didn’t drink green tea and had a much higher abdominal fat level. The daily dose of green tea at 625 mg, that has equivalent to 2-3 eight-ounce cups of green tea.

6. Be Active

Visceral fats in our abdominal cavity are easy to burn by aerobic exercises, running, swimming, biking, or anything that helps your heart rate up. We need at least 60 minutes per day.

To reduce visceral fat storage, burn calories more than you consume, er advisable exercise to get rid of it is by doing sports or a sport that needs a powerful hit with the ball and also jogging for 12 miles per week.

7. Pucker up

In 2009 a Japanese studied one theory that states that acetic acid in vinegar produces a protein that burns up  Consuming 1 or 2a tablespoons of oburnsnegar daily for 8 weeks fotablespoonsople decreases body fat particularly.

8. Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga as a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline helps our mind and body to function at its best. It helps our body and mind to relax, thus lowering the stress hormone cortisol which is related to belly fat. Studies in 2012 show that postmenopausal women who practiced yoga for 16 weeks reduced their visceral fats.

9. Sleep Early on Weekends

Our body-clock or internal clock when disrupted clock leads to secreting fat-storing hormone cortisol that is linked with visceral fat. A study shows that women who have a routine for sleeping and awakening at fixed hours daily has lower level of body fat.

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10. Get EnoughaSleepp

A study in 2010, visceral fats can also be gained when people lack sleep, a 5-6 hour sleep can increase visceral fat levels. When we lack sleep, our brain changes its way wherein we crave fattening food and junk food, this makes us eat food that can produce visceral fat, especially in the belly. So we must aim for 8 hours of sleep.

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