5 Ways to Reduce Hips and Thighs

Women tend to complain about their hips and thighs and most of them are constantly looking for ways to slim these two down as quickly as possible. Although there is no spot reduction available to treat these problem areas, doing lower body workouts can help get rid of those excess fats while at the same time trimming and toning the muscles for shapely legs.


Here are five ways that can help you have slimmer hips and thighs.


  1. Single-leg squat. Stand up straight with your feet together and your hands at your hips. Shift your weight to your right foot with the toes of your left foot resting near your right foot to keep you balanced. While keeping your back straight, bend your knees and hips to go down into a squat on your right leg. Extend your arms out in front of you or hold on to the back of a chair to keep you stable. Hold your pose when your thighs are parallel to the ground. Press down on your right foot to push yourself up back to the first position. Do 8 to 10 times to complete a set. Switch to the other leg.


  1. Balancing squat. Stand with feet wider than hip-width. Keep your spine neutral and your chest lifts as you go down into a squat with your fingers tapping the floor if you can. Push yourself back up but shift weight to your right foot as you raise your left leg off the ground. Hold your left shin with your left hand and hold this pose for a few seconds before releasing. Repeat this exercise 20 times to complete a set. Switch to the opposite leg.
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  1. Standing abduction. Stand next to a wall with your left hand holding on the wall to keep you steady. The knees should be bent slightly. Lift your right leg out to the side as high as you can manage without letting your upper body move. Hold this pose for a few seconds before going back to the first position. Do 10 reps to complete a set before switching legs.


  1. Lunge. Stand up straight with feet together and hands holding dumbbells on each side and palms facing inwards. Take one huge step with your right leg then bring your left knee slowly to the ground. Your right knee should be bent at 90 degrees while keeping your back straight. Press down on your right foot to push yourself upright to go back to your first position. Repeat with the other leg.


  1. Side-stepping curtsey. Stand up straight with feet wider than your hips. Your hands should be clasped at the back of your head. Cross your right leg behind your left and execute a curtsy lunge. Reach down to the floor using your right hand. Go back to the standing position quickly and do the same with the left leg.

These are just a few examples of exercises that can help reduce your hips and thighs in no time. Do as many sets as you can every other day to give your muscles time to recuperate.

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