Bump in Forehead Treatment

The forehead contains multiple blood vessels that are interconnected all over your head. Any form of injury in your head can lead to internal bleeding. It the bleeding is confined in a specific area of the head, it will cause swelling or a bump to appear. Hematoma or known as a lump or knot on the forehead, is not considered a serious health risk or need any emergency medical treatment. Though, there are cases where the hematomas harden due to calcium deposits under the skin. This type of hematoma is called calcified hematoma and requires further medical treatments.

Another term for hematomas is a goose egg. This is when a soft swelling on the forehead is caused by the gathering of fluid from the blood vessels. This is followed after a traumatic injury on the forehead. Goose heads are mostly found in infants. This does not call for any medical procedures. Though, if you or your child experience vomiting, drowsiness, problems with balance after the injury go to your doctor immediately. These remedies are for mild cases of bump in the forehead. Below are known treatment for a bump on the forehead.


Cold Compress

The best way to reduce the swelling on the forehead is to apply cold compress to the area. You can use an ice pack, frozen peas, frozen meat, cold and damp towel and so on. Place the ice pack directly on the bump and leave it on for 20 minutes or more. Remove the ice pack and waif for about five minutes, before applying another Ice pack on the forehead. Repeat this step throughout the day.

Eat More Protein

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Eating more protein can help with tissue repair. This will help speed up the healing process. Add more tuna, egg, turkey, cottage cheese and more to your diet.

Drink Plenty of Water

Keeping yourself hydrated, the more toxins you flush out from your system. This will also help with blood circulation.


Massaging the Bump

This has been a common misconception about bumps in the forehead. People believed that massaging the bump on the forehead will reduce the swelling, but doing this is doing more harm than good. Massaging the forehead or bump will disturb the natural healing process of the body and can slow down the healing process of the bump. Avoid applying pressure on the bump or massaging it. If the bump starts to irritate you apply cold compress and sit upright.

Distinguish A Minor Injury From A Serious One:

Head traumas from sports, play or clumsiness can lead to one or multiple bumps in the head or forehead. This bump is the result of your injury. The forehead and scalp are most prone to these bumps due to the blood supply and vessels in this region. Keep in mind that even minor injuries can cause huge swelling. This swelling can still be maintained with a cold compress. The size of your bump can be affected by the incident itself. Were you going to fast? Did you hit something hard? Did someone hit you? Are you frail or easily injured and so on? If you experience a big bump in your forehead from a simple flick of a finger or light injury it is best to see a professional, you may have problems with your blood vessels. If you experience external bleeding from the injury, avoid placing your hand on the area. Take a clean towel to apply slight pressure on the bump and get first aid.

There are instances that there is pressure applied to the brain from a head trauma or a simple bump that can have serious consequences. This is called an intracranial hematoma. If you experience symptoms such as unconsciousness, disorientation, confusion, persistent headache, vomiting, memory loss and mood changes. Seek emergency help immediately. You may be suffering from a concussion.

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If the bump in your forehead does not disappear with this treatment, it is best to consult a medical professional to distinguish the cause of the swelling. Sebaceous cyst or dermoid can be the cause of your bump, this can be treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. There are severe cases that the doctor will recommend plastic surgery to remove the bump or reduce swelling permanently.

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