Turnip Kills 86% of Breast Cancer Cells & Lowers Risk

The latest discoveries have shown that the turnip kills even 86% of the breast cancer cells and often consumption, raw or cooked, can lower all the risks of getting cancer.

The latest made in vitro proved that the compound from turnip killed 86% of breast cancer (MCF-7) only after 12 hours. This turnip compound in medicine is better known as Bbrassica–-phenanthrene.

Turnips have a high level of phytonutrients which reduces the risk of cancer, it is also very good antioxidants that restrain up to 97-98% of oxidative damage to cholesterol (LDL) in vitro.

The green part of the plant is also amazing. The latest research shows that the green part of the plant can help to get rid of the toxins from the body and can even prevent tumors.

This plant is an incredible source of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and a smaller amount of selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, etc.

The vitamins in turnip roots

As we mentioned before, the turnips are an amazing source of the most needed vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, choline, some vitamin K, B6, folate, pantothenic acid, and niacin are the main and the most important combinations for our body that his majesty, turn phase.

The green color is a great source of the most important anti-inflammatory agents for our body’s response system, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K which reduce the risks of arthritis and heart disease.

Breast cancer-associated effects of consuming turnip

Chinese laboratory research of breast cancer cell lines has found that brassica vegetables are very protective against breast cancer especially the women in premenopausal period periods and menopause, too.

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The consumption of turnip and turnip greens was found to be related to lower breast cancer risk in China, Japan USASA, and Korea.

Extra tip: If you can eat a raw turnip you should always pick the smallest one in the store. The larger turnips are more wooden and they are perfectly suitable for cooking.

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